Wednesday, April 5, 2023

 Okay, another weird dream. In it--I snuck my friend Kayla Hyde and her very young children into my childhood home at 422. Mom was in her bedroom folding clothes or something and we (Kayla/kids/I) were hanging out in Dougie Paul's orange and blue bedroom. For some reason, I left the room to go talk to mom and--during the discussion--Mom (gently) touched my face for some reason I cannot remember why, but when she DID touch my face, it caused my new bridge and crown to fall out. I freaked out of course and tried to pick it up and put it back in, but it was just broken to bits. Kayla and I started talking about going to a dentist and trying to get it fixed, but how could I do that because I was going to have to get back to Korea soon! (I'm only allowed 9 days of vacation at a time) so I wasn't sure how seeing the doctor, getting a mold measured, having a mold made, and having it put in, could happen in the amount of time I had left on vacation!!

I tell ya what...I was very relieved when I awoke and none of that was true.  Although, I was sad that I hadn't actually gotten to see my Momma or Kayla and her kiddos!  

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Hey, Y'all!!
I'm so glad you came to visit and welcome your comments!
Hope ya have a great day!
Loralee : )