Sunday, August 1, 2021

Mandarin Lessons on my birthday!

So, I love my Mandarin lessons with my mandarin tutor, Diane--even though they are at six a.m. every Sunday! I can only say (without thinking too hard) about three or four sentences; however, I know the 'alphabet' about 80%, very strongly, and I'm working on the rest of the alphabet. I feel like I'm at least three to four weeks of the way through Kindergarten with my Mandarin knowledge, and growing every week. Abbey Perkins--Are there any students who don't get their letters (and pronunciations) correctly every time by a month into Kinder?

Here is what I know--sentence-wise: Ni hao!("Hello!) Wo shi Jin Qi Zhen. (I'll explain the name choice later! ("I am Jin Qi Zhen") Bu shi wo. ( "It wasn't me!" Not sure why we learned that one, but I'm sure it'll be useful at some point when I get to Taiwan) And (because Diane sang it to me this morning) Zhu ni Shen ri Kuai le! 🎂 ("Happy Birthday to you!") Anyway, I'm happy fun! "Wo like being xue sheng" (I like being a student!)

By the way, if you're interested in learning Mandarin, I suggest looking for Diane (https://preply.com/en/tutor/1282692) on preply. She is new but is really good. She is also fluent in French, but she only teaches Mandarin.

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Hey, Y'all!!
I'm so glad you came to visit and welcome your comments!
Hope ya have a great day!
Loralee : )