Wednesday, June 29, 2022

From the Cobwebs: Project 365, Day 9

 I've been thinking about something for at least a week or so. How smart are animals? I'd never really given it a huge amount of thought until I started working for Cliff at the orchard a month and a half ago. When I first started picking peaches, I noticed that birds really like to nest in his peach trees, especially the ones at what I call the "Martin" orchard. On the day Cliff first took me out to demonstrate how to tell a ripe peach from the others, we saw a bird squawk and fly away from the tree we were approaching. The bird kept making noises and fluttering around on the ground. It kind of looked like the bird was injured. Cliff informed me that that was the bird's way of protecting the eggs which were resting in a nest in the tree. If the bird looked injured, predators would follow them in hopes of grabbing a snack, and would leave the baby bird eggs alone.

I thought the idea was genius! Cuz you know, of course, that once the predator had followed the bird far enough away from the nest, the bird would miraculously heal of its wing injuries and fly away safely. This happened over and over again for two or three weeks. I always loved seeing it because it meant that—in nature anyway—the protective urge was strong in parents and that they would put themselves in harm's way in order to save their babies.
Last week, I started noticing a difference in these momma birds' behavior. The birds would still squawk and fly away, but the ceased acting as if their wings were injured. I thought that odd. I couldn't come up with a single reason why they would change their behavior. Then an idea occurred to me! Maybe birds are just smarter than I think they are? Could it be that—after weeks of watching me walk past their trees picking peaches—they began recognizing me and knew I was safe? Maybe not, but maybe so, yeah? I mean, dogs recognize us by our smell, don't they? And our mammalian family pets sense our moods, don't they? Don't they cower when we sternly discuss with them our disappointment in the fecal matter they dropped on the floor? (ha!)
My cat, Callie, was exceptionally smart in many ways, I thought. At one point, she started throwing up hair balls all over the house every single day. I had started a new job that kept me away from home a LOT and I felt like it was her way of showing me how mad she was. So, I began putting her in the kitchen and blocking the way out of it with different items. I thought I had kept her out until one day when I opened the front door; I saw her leaping over my man-made "wall" of stuff back into the kitchen. She knew that I wanted her to be in the kitchen, so she went back over there when she knew I was coming into the house. Weird, huh? Additionally, one day—soon after my biological mother died—I was sobbing with grief on the couch. Callie, who was lounging comfortably across the room, walked right over to me, lay down on top of my chest and just sat there until I quit sobbing. Then she—in a very snobby cat manner—extricated herself from off of me and went back to her lounging spot. She knew I needed comforting and that was the only way she knew how to do it.
Actually, if we think about it properly, there is no need to be surprised that animals are pretty smart. The same Creator who designed the intricacies and amazing ins and outs of the human body and mind also designed those of the animals and the plants. In a way, it is kind of comforting, really. In all things, Design is evidence. Just more proof that we serve and love an amazing and intelligent Creator, yeah?

Monday, June 13, 2022

From the Cobwebs: Lessons learned in downtown Houston

 12JUN10, 7:30 p.m.

In the midst of

steel and stone and glass and tar and engine noises

from cars and buses and busy machines,

I saw one wispy and white cloud passing by, highlighting the blue sky

and two yellow birds flying past (I think they might have been making their way to Rockport)

and three green trees--whose leaves and limbs were shaking and swaying in the wind

and I was reminded awesomely and simply of the GOD who exists--ALWAYS-despite the chaos which surrounds me.

downtown Houston

downtown Houston

From the Cobwebs: Thoughts on Harry Potter and Christ, our Savior

 I might have mentioned to any one of y'all that I have thought for many years that the Harry Potter story (though clothed in the 'uniform' of witchcraft) is a parallel, of sorts, to the Christ story. There are Biblical imagery, actions, and lessons which all point back to the story of our Christ's sacrificial love for us as Christians and of the tenets of a faithful Christian life. I can get into that later if someone wants me to do so.

Another layer/aspect I just realized today regards Dobby. When a house elf (which Dobby is one) is given clothing of any sort, he becomes a 'free elf' and therefore is no longer required to slave away serving his master. He has been 'saved' from a life of servitude to the Devil and 'saved' for a life of freely given service to God
How similar it is--in one sense--to the occasion wherein God gave Adam and Eve clothing which took away their guilt and shame of being 'naked.' Also, aren't the priests robes of righteousness referred to as 'garments of salvation?' Also, when we obey the Gospel and are baptized for remission of our sins, do we not 'Put On' Christ?
Just something that occurred to me and some food for thought.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

From the Cobwebs: I dreamed about them last night

 I dreamed about them last night. They were living in a huge home at the ocean instead of the one on Edgecliff. There were very few outside walls on the second floor of their homke. It was mostly glass and the ocean sun shined into the house so brightly, basically bathing the whole place with the brightest summer light. They had a huge pool on the backside of the house (which is kinda funny seein' as they lived 50 feet from the water. I was visiting them, but I don't know the occasion. It didn't seem like a holiday. I don't remember the smell of turkey or sight of garland or wreaths.

At some point, I walked downstairs and saw Mom trying to lift up a basket of laundry, but it was hurting her to lift it. Suddenly, she was old and seemed sick and frail and I was scared...scared of losing her. I was overcome with distraught feelings. I sobbed out the words, "Mom, I LOVE YOU." I felt the words, too. Strongly, behind my eyes even. You know how I do...when I feel things, especially pain, I feel it behind my eyes. I was already missing her, though she was yet alive. The feeling of grief I felt over losing her someday (though it felt like it would be any moment) was so STRONG. She pushed me away, but it was with pain, too. Perhaps she understood the grief I was feeling and didn't want to accept her supposed frailty or perhaps she didn't want for me to feel the pain of grief. I don't really know, but I didn't feel rejected. I felt connected.

Later, Mom and Daddy and I were sitting in the family room upstairs. There were other family members there, but there faces were blurry. I didn't know which ones they were. We were talking about different things and once we touched upon the stage acting I've done. I noticed the smiles on my parents faces as I described how good it felt to put in three months of hard work and then know that for the three hours you'd be performing in front of an audience, you had made them happy. Mom and Daddy were nodding their heads in understanding; smiling and being really encouraging and supportive and happy for and proud of ME.

Later in the dream, I was outside in the pool area with two girls. I don't think they were family. We were chatting about this and that when I noticed a big humongous wave rising up out of the ocean and heading straight toward us. I shouted "Look Out!" and I put myself into a corner, turned my head away from the wave and covered the side of my face with my left hand. Though I had my face hidden, somehow I could still see the progress of the wave. It kept getting bigger and bigger and looming over us like a...well a tidal wave. Strangely, I never really felt the wave slam into me or swallow me into itself. Sure, I felt a few splashes of water, however, I was mostly unharmed by the wave. When I looked up, though, the two girls were gone.

What a strange dream!! What was I telling myself...that I was both loved "specially" by my parents and also somehow protected and unharmed by danger? Part of me realizes that the first half of the dream has to do with my perception of my family dynamic. In many ways, I feel as if I am the least loved, least respected and least appreciated child of the four of us kids. So, this was really a fantasy in a sense, ya know? All other children's faces are blurred and I am the center of attention in totally positive ways.

I can't begin to interpret the second half of the dream and perhaps I'm not supposed to do so, but the images were so precise and detailed that I had to write it down.

p.s. this mom isn't the same mother as the one in "I dreamed about her last night."

Saturday, June 4, 2022

From the Cobwebs: Why I love the internet and other Harry Potter Thoughts

 26 Sep 07 Wednesday

Current mood:weird
I've been re-reading Deathly Hallows recently...mostly because I don't have a job this week, but HEY...any reason for some more Harry Potter, yeah? I did a lot of back tracking and re-reading because this finish of a seven book series (hey what do you call a seven book series anyway? you know how you call a three book series a "trilogy"??? Hmmmmm... septemilogy? septemogy? interesting) anyway, i wanted to check things out. See things that were hinted and then revealed etc. So, I remembered Ron, at one time, stuffing his face with spotted dick. I remember thinking "even if you totally disregard the American colloquialistic connotation of that phrase, that particular kind of food sounds quite disgusting!!" So, I decided to do a bit of research. What I found was fascinating. Spotted dick is actually a yummy kind of british dessert! And you can buy some in America. The Heinz company actually makes it. It is true, however, that you can't just take a quick jaunt on down to your local H.E.B. or Wal-Mart to pick up a can, but it is interesting that you can send away for such a seemingly typical British dessert-y type thing.
Another cool thing. I googled the phrase "what do you call a seven book series?" and the second entry was about Harry Potter. How rockin' cool is that fact? Additionally, I love that HP is so engrained in Pop Culture and, dare I say it, the history of our world... from this point and henceforth... that I needed only to type in this phrase "Is Madame Bones Susan's aunt or mother?" and every single one of the ten initial responses regarded the Harry Potter series in some way. And for the purpose of assuaging the curiosity of those who really wanted to know: Madame (Amelia) Bones of the Ministry of Magic Fame is the AUNT of Hogwarts' own Susan Bones. (Okay, suddenly, I'm extremely hungry, so I'm going to go get something to eat (some spotted dick, perhaps?). I'll be back in a moment.)
Okay, back...and happily munching on a bowl of Capn' Crunch. Is not Capn' Crunch some of the best cereal...NAY...food on the entire planet? It's just so lovely in a crunchy and then eventually soggy kind of way. ~Sigh~ Okay, thinking about what I have written, I'm guessing that some of you are wondering what in the world is going on with me today. It's just been another one of those days. Some parts of it were fabulous. Remind me to write a blog about the counselor who kicked bum and took names in Kentucky sometime, okay? but in general, the day has had it's moments of really plain ol', downright yuckiness. Beginning with a 7:30 a.m. phone call from someone whom I Iove dearly. Someone who was crying and upset and going through some (need I say it?) really plain ol', downright yuckiness. And I couldn't help this person!! and in the end, I had to end up betraying this person, in a sense, in order to help . I hated every second of it. It's just been a really weird day and I think, perhaps, the over-the-toppeti-ness of it has me a bit loopy, yeah?
But, at the end of the day, the people I love are safe AND I still have the internet wherein I can easily find the Dutch translation of the phrase "happily munching on a bowl of Captain Crunch." (gelukkig munching op een kom van Kapitein Crunch) with just a few clicks on "questo vecchio calcolatore" (this old computer in Italian, by the way).
Okay, so since many of my readers are those who believe in God, wouldja please pray for the people I love? You can even phrase it like that, if you wanna...(please help and guide those people Loralee loves--cuz that will include you!!) I appreciate it and I know the people I love do, too.
And now, my bowl of Kapitein Crunch is nearing its end. There are 16 (oops! No, 9 now) little yellow bites of yumminess (as opposed to yuckiness) left and I fear I must set my steps to my bed. That being said...I bid a hearty "Adieu to you and you and you" as well as a "So long, farewell. Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight" (yes, I looked those up on the magical internet, too. I wanted to make sure they were right)
Sleep well, all the people I love.
P.S. did I mention that I love Neville. Now I must clarify that he cannot beat out Ronald Bilius Weasley as my favorite male character in the HP series, he is a close second (yes, that means he beats out Harry.) Have you ever noticed how tough he is? and that, when presented with the choice to do what is RIGHT or what is EASY, that TOTAL ROCKIN' COOL snake killer, Neville Longbottom ALWAYS chooses to do what is right? You gotta like that, yeah? You Go, Boy!!
and HEY...whilst tooling around the internet (looking to see if I could find Neville's middle name), I found that today (26SEP07) is the 126th anniversary of the birth of none other than (wait for the trumpets to quit blaring, please) Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!! We miss you, Professor. Happy Birthday!
this just in: I'd already posted this blog and decided to see if anyone else on myspace had recently written anything Harry Potter -esque and VOILA.. someone has! Did you know that "Expecto Patronum" means "I look for a Savior?" ultimate in coolness. just thought I'd pass that on.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

It actually IS....

 ...rude and UNPROFESSIONAL to call 9 minutes before an appt. (When someone is already on the way in the Texas heat) to cancel it.  You won't change me mind by telling me I'm thinking wrongly just because I'm the one who is looking for the job.  It makes me wonder what kind of boss you'll be. 

The end.