Friday, September 24, 2010

Driving around Buna

Here are some interesting trees and such that we saw when we went driving around Buna yesterday afternoon. We'd gone to avail ourselves of the $.75 drinks at Sonic and decided to tool around Buna and explore a bit. Eventually we found ourselves on a gravelly/dirt road that kept on going and going and going. We thought we'd eventually come to another road, but we ended up having to turn around. I think we spent maybe 15 minutes--at 20 mph--driving on that road. There were so many amazing trees on that road. Some of them had broken off and were lying horizontal in the air, the uppermost branches resting in the branches of another tree which was vertical.
Some of them were standing in their rightful spots, but were leaning a bit to the right--kinda like the leaning tower of Pisa. There was even one spot where the trees covered the road entirely, like Green Gables' Anne's "White Way of Delight/The Avenue"

There wasn't enough light--or I wasn't close enough--to see this tree very clearly. The picture on my camera phone screen isn't the greatest. Through experience, I've found that if it doesn't look fantastic on the cp screen, it might look much better on my computer screen. And adding to that, it will prolly look much much better on the blog page. For some reason, the pictures look really great on the blog page. I'm not complaining, though. I'll take it!
So, the point of all this is that you can't really see how cool the tree looks.
It kinda takes a half-right (military marching term) about 1/2 way up the trunk, then--about the time the branches start showing up--it takes a half-left and straightens back up. I worked on the photo in my "photoscape" and lightened the picture up a little bit. Hopefully, y'all can see it better.

These two look like ones you might see if you were in Sleepy Hollow at night trying to escape the Headless Horseman, yeah? It is the end of summer so you'd think there'd be a bunch of leaves, but these trees are bare as a baby's bottom. I'm thinking it might be dead, but because the trees are so strong from when they were living, it has stayed upright. Thought they are bare, I think they're pretty beautiful.

When I saw this chicken coup, I was charmed immediately. I know I wasn't born in Texas, but a solid 2/3s of my life was spent here and I consider myself a Texas girl. I loved that the coup has a Texas flag painted on its side. If I ever live elsewhere, I think I'll bring a Texas flag with me.

This sign made me laugh out loud. We're used to seeing signs that warn about a deaf child or children at play. This one; however, warns of grandparents at play. Obviously, the grandparents who live at that house are still kids at heart.

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Hey, Y'all!!
I'm so glad you came to visit and welcome your comments!
Hope ya have a great day!
Loralee : )